Saint of the Day

Saint John Baptist de La Salle

Complete dedication to what he saw as God’s will for him dominated the life of John Baptist de La Salle. In 1950, Pope Pius XII named him patron of schoolteachers for his efforts in upgrading schoo...

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Saint Francis of Paola

Francis of Paola was a man who deeply loved contemplative solitude and wished only to be the “least in the household of God.” Yet, when the Church called him to active service in the world, he beca...

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Saint Mary of Egypt
Easter Sunday
Saint John Climacus
Good Friday
Holy Thursday
Saint Rupert

Palm Sunday

Jesus was on His way to Jerusalem with His disciples to celebrate Passover. When they reached the Mount of Olives, He sent two of the disciples to retrieve a donkey colt for Him to ride. He instruc...

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